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Man helping another man
Man helping another man


Friday, May 24th at 12:00 pm to Sunday, May 26th at 1 pm.

Camp Iawah
Godfrey Ontario

$249 + Eventbrite Fees

What If The Deep Desires Of Our Heart Reveal The Life We Are Meant To Live?

Is the list of “shoulds” and “ought tos” leaving you tired and bored? Is your life more “have tos” than “get tos”? Most messages for men ultimately fail. The reason is simple: they ignore what is deep and true to a man’s heart, his real passions, and simply try to shape him up through various forms of pressure.

What is a Band of Brothers Boot Camp?

A Band of Brothers Boot Camp is a three-day quest into the recovery of a man’s masculine soul, the release of a man’s heart – his passions, and his true nature. For if a man is going to know who he truly is as a man, if he is going to find a life worth living, love a woman deeply, and not pass on his confusion to his children, he simply must get his heart back.